Why Mineral Powder Sunscreen Will Never Give You Sun Protection Mar 04, 2021

Australia has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world and yet unfortunately the use of sunscreen is declining.  Despite education regarding the importance of sunscreen use, the average consumer does not apply anywhere near the required amount of sunscreen to be adequately protected.  Con

Hidradenitis Suppurativa - Current research and findings Mar 03, 2021

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic dermatological condition that results in painful bumps under the skin and in the hair roots near sweat glands.  It is also commonly known as acne inversa.  The early stages of Hidradenitis suppurativa are often misdiagnosed, due to the beginning stages ofte...

Protecting Your Skin During A Polar Vortex - Oils Are Not The Answer! Feb 05, 2021

We came across an article today claiming that your moisturiser use during severe cold weather could cause and be responsible for broken capillaries or couperouse.

So the claim comes from a celebrity facialist Joanna Czech.  She says "to avoid using water-based moisturizers in sub-zero weather like ...

Skin Sensitivity - How do we correct it Dec 03, 2020

Those with sensitive skin experience more intense and more frequent responses to both the use of personal care products and the environment, a phenomenon known as sensitive skin.  Consumer reports of sensitive skin are often self-diagnosed and can often not be verified by objective signs of irritati...

Is Water A Useless Ingredient May 19, 2020

The most widely used cosmetic ingredient is water.  It is almost always listed first on an ingredient label because it is usually the ingredient with the highest concentration.  Some companies will tell you that water is an inactive ingredient and that it has no purpose and that companies use it to ...

Malassezia Furfur (Pityrosporum) May 19, 2020

Malassezia folliculitis is a yeast overgrowth in the hair follicle.  The old school name for it is pityrosporum folliculitis. It’s an “acne look-alike” with tiny red papules and superficial pustules that can itch like crazy. Factors can include oily skin, hot, humid weather, sweaty environments, occ...

Blue Light Actives in Skin Care Oct 02, 2018

On a daily basis our bodies and skin are exposed to electromagnetic irradiation.   Recent studies indicate that exposure to blue light emitting LED displays as can be found in televisions, and smart devices, including eBook readers.  Children as young as 12 months are given phones to pacify them whe...

Gene expression and how you can control their activity Feb 14, 2018

Human DNA has over 25,000 genes; each of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes encodes thousands of genes. Until recently it was believed that the genes you were born with determined the future status of your health.  Now with the discovery of epigenetics, it is known that genes can get turned on and of...

Does Agireline Cause Facial Atrophy? Nov 25, 2017

I've heard that Argirelene can eventually atrophy the muscle if used over a prolonged period of time. Is there any truth to this?


Okay first we need to understand there is a difference between preventing contraction and relaxing a muscle. Botox works by paralysing the muscle. Any muscle that is ...

Hydrolyzed Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid in Supplements - Do They Actually Work? Nov 05, 2017

Nutrition is known to influence skin condition and function.  There are a wide range of supplements that have been reported to have beneficial effects on the skin.

Skin dryness and an accelerated fragmentation of the collagen network in the dermis are hallmarks of skin aging. Nutrition is a k

Oils and Balms Rebuttal 1 - They are still not great when used straight on the skin Sep 28, 2017

This blog post is in response to a rebuttal to my original blog post on Oils and Balms Ruining The Skin.

My original article SHOCKED the green beauty world.  For the first time ever someone was declaring that "Just because it is natural doesn't always make it good for the skin".  This is a premise ...

Classes of Peptides - Neurotransmitter inhibitor peptides Jul 27, 2017

Our second class of peptides are Neuropeptides.....

Neurotransmitter inhibitor peptides inhibit acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction. Seven types (A–G) of botulinum toxin target peripheral cholinergic neurons where they selectively proteolyse synaptosome- associated protein of 25 ...

Why Using Oils And Balms Are Actually Ruining Your Skin Dec 28, 2016

Balms and oils are the rage with skin care.  It seems that everywhere I look lately there is a cosmetic range touting a new oil or balm.  Balms are anhydrous products which means they don't contain any water.  They are a blend of oils, possibly esters and waxes generally.  The claimed benefits of th...

The effect of Diet on Sebum and Acne Nov 05, 2016

Diet is one of the pathways that we can have the biggest impact on acne.  Many acne sufferers still have no idea of the impact of diet and actually how it influences the skin and their sebum.  What you eat directly influences the amount of sebum you produce.  It also influences how sticky or f

Gold in Cosmetics.....Does It Really Do Anything? Sep 30, 2016

Gold has been used throughout history, with Cleopatra being famed for sleeping in a gold mask.  Alchemists referred to gold as the  “Elixir of Life”.   Gold was already being used by the Chinese as a medicine in 2500 B.C. In India, colloidal red gold was used in the form of ayurvedic medicine

Fruit Pigments and Vegetable Pigments in Cosmetics Sep 24, 2016

Okay I confess I am getting on my soap box.....and for damned good reason.  There is an epidemic of companies flagrantly disregarding cosmetic regulations and it is putting YOU the consumer at risk of bacterial contamination and bacterial growth.  The obsession with natural seems to have thrown comm...

Does oily skin age slower Aug 21, 2016

There is a big myth that those with oily skin don't age as quickly as those with dry skin.  This myth exists because of the confusion with regards to oil production.  The assumption is that the more oil you produce the less moisture loss occurs from the skin.  People think that the upside of having ...

Epigenetics and how we can turn on and off genes Aug 15, 2016

Human DNA has over 25,000 genes; each of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes encodes thousands of genes. Until recently it was believed that the genes you were born with determined the future status of your health.  Now with the discovery of epigenetics, it is known that genes can get turned on and of...

Dimethicone In Skin Care.....Separating Fact From Fiction Aug 03, 2016

This morning I was asked about Dimethicone and does it "Suffocate" the skin and trap bacteria?  Also does it prevent the skin from sweating and hinder exfoliation?

The question comes because their clients found this site.  The author states first of all that it is safe and that it has skin benefits...

Is My Expensive Vitamin C Serum Killing My Skin? Jul 20, 2016

I am on my soapbox tonight.....

I recently came across an article titled "Is My Expensive Vitamin C Serum Killing My Skin".  The link is below.  There is nothing like someone masquerading as an expert only to find that really they aren't one at all.

Supposed skin guru expert Felicia Rose states th...

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