Oils and Balms Rebuttal 1 - They are still not great when used straight on the skin Sep 28, 2017

This blog post is in response to a rebuttal to my original blog post on Oils and Balms Ruining The Skin.

My original article SHOCKED the green beauty world.  For the first time ever someone was declaring that "Just because it is natural doesn't always make it good for the skin".  This...

Why Using Oils And Balms Are Actually Ruining Your Skin Dec 28, 2016

Balms and oils are the rage with skin care.  It seems that everywhere I look lately there is a cosmetic range touting a new oil or balm.  Balms are anhydrous products which means they don't contain any water.  They are a blend of oils, possibly esters and waxes generally.  The...