Stem Cells and Acne: What is the connection?

Jan 29, 2016

Acne - What Are You Actually Treating?

The focus of acne has always been the treatment of the following:

  1. Removal of dead skin Cells
  2. Kill p.Acnes
  3. Anti-inflammatories.
  4. Reduce sebum output

The cause of hyperkeratinisation in acne has often been misunderstood.  Originally it was believed to be genetic and that acne sufferers skin had what was termed "retention hyperkeratosis".  The focus has been on previously the control of the hyperproliferation of cells.  Acne treatment though may be missing a biological event that occurs at the cellular level; the LRIG1 (sebaceous gland progenitor cells) sebaceous stem cells in the isthmus of the sebaceous gland [1].  These cells are the ones that determine if a microcomedone is formed.

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Acne stem cell pathways

LRIG1 Stem Cells have 2 pathways:  They can differentiate into a sebaceous gland or a comedone.  P. acnes in adolescent acne is a trigger for the stem cells differentiating into comedones.  P. acnes has mainly been considered as a proinflammatory factor. P.acnes has the ability to initiate comedogenesis and also the formation of microcomedones, even in the absence of no clinical  inflammation.  The isthmus (the zone where the sebaceous gland duct joins the hair duct) is the zone where the microcomedone develops.

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Recent data from lineage tracing of sebaceous stem cells [1], as well as the research on comedogenic xenobiotics [4, 5], has shown that comedone formation is able to be influenced on a tissular level.

The epithelium of the isthmus is the residence for sebaceous gland progenitor cells (LRIG1 cells), the so-called sebaceous gland stem cells. Lineage tracing experiments have shown that the progeny of LRIG1 cells contributes to the epithelium of the isthmus and populates sebaceous glands [7,8].  As you can see from the diagram above these stem cells ONLY reside in the isthmus portion of the sebaceous gland.  LRIG cells may therefore differentiate toward either an epithelial type or a sebaceous type and should therefore be primary targets for the treatment of acne.  This may also explain the observation that ‘the more comedones, the less mature sebocytes’ in the histology of acne [3, 7].

It is well known that acne clients almost have a "deficiency" in Vitamin A.  Retinoic acid has been found to be present in the cells of the isthmus. The stem cells in the isthmus alter the processing of Vitamin A resulting in a Vitamin A deficiency[9].

The activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway by xenobiotics also alters the differentiation.  Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin alters sebogenic differentiation towards epithelial type differentiation with infundibular acanthosis, hyperkeratosis and macrocomedones/MADISH formation [4, 10]. An important observation is that the LRIG1 cells are influenced by xenobiotics.  Xenobiotics therefore have been shown to be comedogenic and cause microcomedones to form [2, 12].

What is less known is that there is an endless list of AhR pathway modulators.  Food and tobacco smoke are examples.  It is known that those who smoke end up with microcomedones as a result [19–23]. These modulators of the AhR pathway might have both negative and positive effects on acne, depending on their distribution and metabolism [13, 14].

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) receives much attention for its role in the toxicity of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs. However, also many other compounds have been reported to bind and activate the AhR, of which natural food components are of special interest. Potatoes, cruciferous vegetables, bread, hamburgers and grapefruit juice contained the most NAhRAs. Food preparation and acid treatment can show a significant effect on the AhR activation.

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a cytosolic ligand-activated transcription factor, which is present in many cell types of mammals, including humans. At the moment, there is still no consensus about the biological function of this receptor. However, it received much attention for its role in the toxicity of dioxins, especially the most potent activator 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) [17].

One of the most investigated natural AhR agonists (NAhRAs) is indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which is formed in cruciferous vegetables (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage) by an enzymatic reaction after crushing of the plant tissues. During consumption, I3C undergoes self-condensation into a number of oligomers and Epidermal CYP2 family cytochromes P450 in the acid environment of the stomach. Although ICZ (indolo[3,2-b]carbazole) is formed in very low amounts (ca 0.0002%), its AhR activating potency is relatively high [18].


What is known is that the activation of AhR agonists induces the expression of the cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) gene.  The polymorphism of this gene is responsible for acne formation.


Knowing that P.acnes is a factor that contributes to the proginetor cells differentiating into an epithelium cell instead of a sebaceous gland.  We can control this process by reducing the amount of sebum production which will reduce the number of bacteria.   Antiseptics and antibiotics can also be used to suppress p.Acnes proliferation.

Topical application of Vitamin A corrects the abnormal differentiation in the infundibulum/isthmus epithelium and prevents microcomedones[16,15].  Vitamin A causes an expansion of LRIG1 cells in the sebaceous gland. Topical retinoid use should therefore be revisited as targeting acne-prone normal-looking skin in a preventive dimension, rather than just only as comedolytic.




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