Stem Cells and Acne: What is the connection? Jan 29, 2016

Acne - What Are You Actually Treating?

The focus of acne has always been the treatment of the following:

  1. Removal of dead skin Cells
  2. Kill p.Acnes
  3. Anti-inflammatories.
  4. Reduce sebum output

The cause of hyperkeratinisation in acne has often been misunderstood.  Originally it

DIM and its effect on Acne Vulgaris Jan 24, 2016

Dietary indole compounds have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of ailments and diseases. Two indoles that have attracted recent attention for their therapeutic potential are I3C and DIM. I3C is a metabolite of glucosinolate glucobrassicin, which is a chief c...

FOX01 and mTORC - What role do they play in acne Jan 07, 2016

The role of hereditary factors whilst involved in the pathogenesis of acne, does not fully account for the increase in acne in Western Society.  After years of debate within the scientific community, finally it is well established with the current research that acne is a disease of the modern diet. ...